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社会任职:1. 中国心胸血管麻醉学会血液管理分会, 青年委员; 2. 浙江省医学会麻醉学分会青年委员会, 委员; 3. 浙江省医学会麻醉学分会超声学组, 委员; 4. 杭州市医学会麻醉学分会, 委员; 5. 杭州市医学会疼痛学分会, 委员; 6. 杭州市医疗鉴定专家; 7. 浙江省医药卫生项目专家组成员, 评审专家; 8. 担任《Local and Regional Anesthesia》、《Journal of Pain Research》、《BMC Anesthesiology》、《BMC Cardiovascular Disorders》、《Drug Design, Development and Therapy》、《Molecular Genetics and Genomics》、《Heliyon》、《PeerJ》、《Scientific Reports》 、《World Journal of Surgical Oncology》等10余本杂志审稿专家; 9. 杭州市青年联合会第十三届委员。




  • 1. 2019年通过浙江省卫生健康委临床医疗技术国院交流项目选拔,获得英国3个月学习
  • 2. 2019-9-1—2020-2-28 上海复旦大学附属中山医院心脏大血管麻醉学(进修)
  • 3. 2014-9-1—2017-6-30 浙江大学博士 麻醉学专业(全日制)
  • 4. 2011-9-1—2013-6-30 浙江大学硕士 麻醉学专业(同等学历)
  • 5. 2001-9-1—2006-6-30 温州医学院学士 临床医学专业(全日制)


  • 1. 目前主持1项浙江省公益类项目,浙江省医药卫生计划项目2项,浙江省医联医疗扶持和救助公益基金会项目和医院优秀青年科研启动基金项目各1项。
  • 2. 近5年以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI文章11篇,中华系列杂志文章3篇(第一作者),共发表20余篇文章(参与)。
  • 3. 近5年国家发明专利9项,计算机软件著作权6项。
  • 代表论文:
  • 1) Huang XD, Chen JB, Dong XY, Wang WL, Zhou J, Zhou ZF. The Impact of Fentanyl on the Effective Dose of Remimazolam-Induced Sedation in Elderly Female Patients: An Up-and-Down Sequential Allocation Trial. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2024. 18: 3729-3737.(2024, SCI通讯作者; IF=4.7 )
  • 2) Wang YY, Li YF, Zhou ZF. Solanesol alleviates CFA-induced chronic inflammatory pain via inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines in spinal glial cells. Heliyon. 2024. 10(15): e34870.(2024, SCI通讯作者; IF=3.4)
  • 3) Wang Y, Men X, Huang X, et al. Unraveling the signaling network between dysregulated microRNA and mRNA expression in sevoflurane-induced developmental neurotoxicity in rat. Heliyon. 2024. 10(13): e33333.(2024, SCI通讯作者; IF=3.4 )
  • 4) Jiang Y, Wang YY, Qiu XF, Shao RZ, Zhou ZF. Bougie approach improves first-attempt success rate compared to stylet approach in patients with difficult airway needing endotracheal intubation: a meta-analysis. Minerva Anestesiol. 2024 .(2024, SCI通讯作者; IF=2.9)
  • 5) Men X, Wang Q, Dong JF, et al. 0.75% ropivacaine may be a suitable drug in pregnant women undergoing urgent cesarean delivery during labor analgesia period. BMC Anesthesiol. 2024. 24(1): 212.(2024, SCI通讯作者; IF=2.3)
  • 6) Zhou ZF et al. Subcutaneous nitroglycerin increased the success rate of radial artery cannulation in women with gestational hypertension undergoing cesarean section : A randomized controlled trial. Anaesthesiologie. 2023(2023, SCI通讯作者; IF=1.596 )
  • 7) Zhou ZF et al. Median nerve block increases the success rate of radial artery cannulation in women with gestational hypertension undergoing cesarean section.BMC Anesthesiol. 2022 Aug 5;22(1):248. (2022, SCI通讯作者; IF=2.496 )
  • 8) Zhao WL, Li SD, Wu B, Zhou ZF. Quadratus Lumborum Block is an Effective Postoperative Analgesic Technique in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Lower Abdominal Surgery: A Meta-Analysis. Pain Physician. 2021. 24(5): E555-E563. (2021, SCI通讯作者; IF=4.965 )
  • 9) Zhou ZF, Zhai W, Yu LN, et al. Comparison of the in-vivo effect of two tranexamic acid doses on fibrinolysis parameters in adults undergoing valvular cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass - a pilot investigation. BMC Anesthesiology. 2021. 21(1): 33. (2021, SCI第一作者; IF=1.619)
  • 10) Zhou ZF et al. Effects of intraoperative PEEP on postoperative pulmonary complications in high-risk patients undergoing laparoscopic abdominal surgery: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2019. 9(10): e028464. (2019, SCI第一作者; IF=2.469)
  • 11) Zhou ZF et al.The 6q25.1 rs2046210 polymorphism is associated with an elevated susceptibility to breast cancer: A meta-analysis of 261,703 subjects. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2019 : e553. (2019, SCI通讯作者; IF=2.448 )
  • 12) Zhou ZF et al.Effects of intraoperative PEEP on postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical resection for bladder cancer or prostate cancer: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2019.20:304(1-9)., SCI第一作者; IF=1.969)
  • 13) Zhen-feng ZHOU etal.Postoperative tight glycemic control significantly reduces postoperative infection rates in patients undergoing surgery: a meta-analysis. BMC Endocrine Disorders.2018. 18:42.1-12. (2018, SCI通讯作者; IF: 2.074)
  • 14) Zhen-feng ZHOU etal. Mild Acute NormovolemicHemodilution Is Associated With Lower Intraoperative Transfution And Postoperative Pulmonary Infection In Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. BMC Anesthesiology. 2017 Jan 26;17(1):13. (2017, SCI第一作者; IF: 1.578)
  • 15) Zhen-feng ZHOU et al. Intraoperative Tranexamic Acid Is Associated with Postoperative Stroke in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. PLoSOne. 2017 May 26;12(5):e0177011. (2017, SCI第一作者; IF: 3.057)
  • 16) Zhou ZF et al.Comparison of three methods for the confirmation of laryngeal mask airway placement in female patients undergoing gynecologic surgery. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015. 41(5): 1212-20.(2015, SCI第一作者; IF: 2.298)
  • 17) 规范化培训的麻醉住院医师超声定性胃内容物学习曲线的建立. 中华医学教育杂志. 2018. 38(1): 107-111. (2018,第一作者)
  • 18) 超声检查胃癌患者胃管位置的可行性评价. 中华全科医师杂志. 2018. 17(5): 388-391. (2018,第一作者)
  • 19) 超声定位成年病人喉罩位置的效果:与纤维支气管镜比较. 中华麻醉学杂志. 2013. 33(4): 466-469.(2013第一作者)


  • 1. 2023年12月-至今, 杭州市妇产科医院,麻醉科,主任医师

  • 2. 2021年03月-2023年11月, 杭州市妇产科医院,麻醉科,副主任医师

  • 3. 2018年12月-2021年02月,浙江省人民医院,麻醉科,副主任医师

  • 4. 2017年08月-2018年11月,浙江省人民医院,麻醉科,主治医师

  • 5. 2012年12月-2014年08月, 宁波大学附属鄞州人民医院,麻醉科,主治医师

  • 6. 2006年08月-2012年11月, 鄞州人民医院,麻醉科,住院医师