



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (6) ; 60-63 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220257.

Analysis of the Application Effect of Diversified Teaching Method in the Practice Teaching of Children's Health Care

作者: 贾南, 杨粉 *

西安医学院第二附属医院 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 杨粉,单位:西安医学院第二附属医院 陕西西安;

发布时间: 2022-08-15 总浏览量: 335


目的 研究儿童保健实践教学中行多元化教学法的效果。方法 数据取自某高校2020年1月-2020年12月的60名护理专业学生,“随机取样法”分常规组(常规教学,n=30)、多元组(多元化教学法,n=30),两组教学效果比较。结果 教学前比较两组教学质量无差异,P>0.05;教学后与常规组比较,多元组教学质量更高;考核成绩更高;多元组教学满意率(96.67%)高于常规组(76.67%),χ2=5.192,p=0.023,P<0.05(具有统计学意义)。结论 多元化教学法用于儿童保健实践教学中可提高教学质量、考核成绩,达到预期教学效果、提高满意度,值得推崇。

关键词: 多元化教学法;儿童保健实践教学;考核成绩;教学质量;满意度


Objective To study the effect of the diversified teaching method in the practice teaching of children's health care.
Methods The data were collected from 60 nursing students in a university from January 2020 to December 2020. The "random sampling method" was divided into conventional group (regular teaching, n=30), multivariate (multiple teaching method, n=30), the teaching effect of the two groups was compared.
Results There was no difference in the teaching quality between the two groups before teaching, P>0.05; after teaching, compared with the conventional group, the teaching quality of the multivariate group was higher; ), χ2=5.192, p=0.023, P<0.05 (statistically significant).
Conclusion   The use of diversified teaching method in the practice teaching of children's health care can improve the teaching quality and assessment results, achieve the expected teaching effect and improve the satisfaction, which is worthy of praise.

Key words: diversified teaching method; child health care practice teaching; assessment performance; teaching quality; satisfaction

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