



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (5) ; 152-154 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220238.

Effect of health education intervention on women's health care in Huishui County

作者: 周兴宇 *, 谢永秀

贵州省黔南州惠水县疾病预防控制中心 贵州黔南

贵州省黔南州惠水县妇幼保健院 贵州黔南

*通讯作者: 周兴宇,单位:贵州省黔南州惠水县疾病预防控制中心 贵州黔南;

发布时间: 2022-07-19 总浏览量: 414


目的 通过健康教育干预妇科疾病保健工作,预防各种妇科疾病的发生。方法 选择对2020年12月~2021年12月期间来门诊体检、就诊的妇女200例为对象,采用随机分组的方式100例妇女为健康教育干预组,另100例就诊妇女为对照组,对两组妇女分别干预后的妇科疾病保健知识掌握情况、妇科疾病发病率和保健知识评分比较。结果 在掌握妇科疾病保健知识方面,健康教育干预组的各项评分均优于对照组,P<0.05;在健康知识掌握优良率上,对照组评分低于干预组,P<0.05;干预1年后妇科疾病发生率对比,干预组的发病率显著低于对照组,P<0.05。结论 预防保健健康知识进行干预,可提高妇女自我保健意识,值得推广。

关键词: 妇女保健;健康教育;干预组;对照组;效果


Objective: To interfere with the health care of gynecological diseases through health education to prevent the occurrence of various gynecological diseases.
Methods: 200 women who came from December 2020 to December 2021 were targeted at the outpatient medical examination and clinic. 100 women were used in a random grouping to intervene in the health education intervention group, and the other 100 patients were diagnosed. The two groups of women's intervention in the gynecological diseases and health knowledge, comparison of the incidence of gynecological diseases and the score of health knowledge.
Results: In terms of mastering the health knowledge of gynecological diseases, the various scores of the health education intervention group are better than the control group, P <0.05; in terms of the excellent rate of health knowledge, the control group score is lower than the intervention group, P <0.05; intervention 1; After the year, the incidence of gynecological diseases was compared, and the incidence of intervention groups was significantly lower than the control group, P <0.05.
Conclusion  : Affairs of preventing health and health knowledge can improve women's self -care awareness and worthy of promotion.

Key words: Women's Health Care; Health Education; Intervention Group; Control Group; Effect

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