



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (5) ; 130-133 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220232.

Effect of PBL combined with WeChat video teaching on nursing teaching effect of breast surgery

作者: 杨文 *, 韩敏, 何怡丹, 何玲

川北医学院附属医院 四川南充

*通讯作者: 杨文,单位:川北医学院附属医院 四川南充;

发布时间: 2022-07-18 总浏览量: 349


目的 探究、分析PBL教学法联合微信视频教学在乳腺外科护理带教中的实际应用效果和价值。方法 从我院乳腺外科科室护生中随机选取了64名护生作为本次研究、观察的对象,带教学过程中遵循人性化、以人为本的教学原则,以掷骰子法将护生随机、平均分配,即分为2组。分别命名为对照组与实验组。对照组中的护生以常规教学为护理带教方法,而实验组护生以PBL结合微信视频的教学方法为护理带教方式。统计、对比2组护生带教结束后的考核成绩、学员对不同教学模式的满意程度以及临床带教评价效果。结果 经过2组带教模式的培训后,同对照组护生对比,实验组的护生在考核成绩(理论知识、病例分析、实践操作)方面均更高、对教学模式的满意度更高且临床教学效果得到显著提升。上述所有观察指标在2组护生比较上均具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 对于乳腺外科护生而言,通过PBL教学结合微信视频教学的模式能够提高学生的实践水平、学习能力,是一种值得在护理带教中推广的教学方法。

关键词: PBL教学;微信视频教学;乳腺外科;护理带教;教学效果


Objective: To explore and analyze the practical application effect and value of PBL teaching method combined with wechat video teaching in breast surgical nursing teaching.
Methods: 64 nursing students were randomly selected from the department of breast surgery of our hospital as the object of this study and observation. In the teaching process, following the humanization and people-oriented teaching principle, the nursing students were randomly and evenly allocated by dice rolling method, namely divided into 2 groups. They were named control group and experimental group. The nursing students in the control group took conventional teaching as nursing teaching method, while the nursing students in the experimental group took PBL combined with wechat video teaching method as nursing teaching method. Statistics and comparison of the two groups of nursing students after the end of teaching, students' satisfaction with different teaching modes and clinical teaching evaluation effect.
Results: After the training of the two groups with teaching mode, compared with the control group, the nursing students in the experimental group were higher in the examination results (theoretical knowledge, case analysis, practical operation), higher satisfaction with the teaching mode, and the clinical teaching effect was significantly improved. All the above observation indicators had statistical differences between the two groups of nursing students (P < 0.05).
Conclusion  : For nursing students of breast surgery, PBL teaching combined with wechat video teaching mode can improve students' practical level and learning ability, which is a teaching method worth promoting in nursing teaching.

Key words: PBL Teaching; Wechat Video Teaching; Breast Surgery; Nursing Teaching; The Teaching Effect

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