



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (2) ; 159-162 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220081.

To study the effect of quality control of blood transfusion test in blood station on blood transfusion safety

作者: 祖立晶 *

辽源市中心血站 吉林辽源

*通讯作者: 祖立晶,单位:辽源市中心血站 吉林辽源;

发布时间: 2022-04-26 总浏览量: 474


目的 本文就血站输血检验质量控制对血液安全性进行分析,研究其应用中的效果,并进一步讨论其价值所在。方法 将100例来自2019年12月-2021年12月期间在我院进行输血检验的患者作为本次研究对象,入组样本采用奇偶数的方法进行分组,将患者平均分为两组,常规组、研究组,每组成员50人。常规组实施常规输血流程,研究组实施输血检验质量控制管理模式,对比两组输血安全性、输血质量、以及输血满意度,并将相关数据进行统计分析,验证应用效果及价值。结果 经数据统计分析后,研究组应用效果显著,输血期间满意度较为理想,有效提高输血安全性以及血液质量,组间数值P<0.05,说明存在对比性。结论 在血站实施输血检验质量控制,其实施效果较为理想,不仅有效提高输血安全性、以及血液质量,同时提高了输血满意度,促进院内和谐发展,建议推广。

关键词: 血站;输血检验;质量控制;输血安全


Objective: This paper analyzes the safety of blood in the quality control of blood transfusion testing in blood stations, studies its application effect, and further discusses its value.
Methods: 100 patients who underwent blood transfusion tests in our hospital from December 2019 to December 2021 were selected as the research subjects. The samples were divided into two groups by odd and even numbers, and the patients were equally divided into two groups. Groups and research groups, each with 50 members. The routine group implemented the routine blood transfusion process, and the research group implemented the quality control management mode of blood transfusion test, compared the blood transfusion safety, blood transfusion quality, and blood transfusion satisfaction between the two groups, and performed statistical analysis on the relevant data to verify the application effect and value.
Results: After statistical analysis of the data, the research group had significant application effect, satisfactory satisfaction during blood transfusion, and effectively improved blood transfusion safety and blood quality.
Conclusion  : The implementation of blood transfusion testing quality control in blood stations has an ideal implementation effect. It not only effectively improves blood transfusion safety and blood quality, but also improves blood transfusion satisfaction and promotes the harmonious development of the hospital. It is recommended to promote.

Key words: Blood Bank; Blood Transfusion Test; Quality Control; Blood Transfusion Safety

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