



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (1) ; 19-27 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220018.

Investigation and analysis on the use and cognition of Internet medical care among residents in Shandong

作者: 隋倩 *, 封颖璐

青岛大学医学院 山东青岛

*通讯作者: 隋倩,单位:青岛大学医学院 山东青岛;

发布时间: 2022-01-13 总浏览量: 505


目的 以山东省居民为调查对象,对互联网医疗相关情况的认知以及接受程度进行调查;进一步了解互联网医疗的特点、现状、优劣势,进一步探究两者内在联系、切入点及影响因素。方法 通过“问卷星”设计问卷并以链接、微信二维码、小程序等形式,在微信、问卷星互填社区等途径进行发布,最终结果导入SPSSAU软件进行数据统计与分析。结果 在所有受访者中42.77%有过互联网医疗咨询的经历,38.96%没有互联网医疗咨询的经历,18.26%虽没有相关经历但是对互联网医疗咨询有所了解。有过互联网医疗咨询经历中以青岛、本科、80后为显著特点,且对于相关因素具有显著差异(P<0.05)。进行网上医疗咨询原因集中在身体不舒服、饮食养生、疾病预防、及疫苗相关问题等方面,主要通过百度、平安健康app进行医疗咨询,调查显示57.08%的用户会在没时间去医院的因素促使下进行网络咨询,28.46%的用户会在专家号难挂的因素促使下进行网络咨询。出现突发症状时51.45%用户选择直接线下就医,而存在慢性疾病且病情稳定、需要长期用药的用户倾向于选择网络就诊。网络就诊时在中医治疗、西医治疗的选择、支付相关医疗费用上没有显著差异。60.27%的受访者表示愿意在互联网诊疗过程中支付一定费用,其中53.58%的用户愿意在问诊费方面支付费用,58.75%的用户愿意为医生开的药物支付费用。结论 应结合广大用户需求,开发便民、利民的功能,针对不同人群,以宣导互联网理念、普及基本互联网医疗知识为主,增加接触互联网医疗机会,使用户直观的了解互联网医疗服务内容,切身体会互联网医疗的便捷。

关键词: 互联网医疗;互联网医疗app;山东居民;使用与认知


Objective To investigate the cognition and acceptance of Internet medical care with residents in Shandong Province; to further understand the characteristics, current situation, advantages and disadvantages of Internet medical care, and to further explore the internal connection, entry point and influencing factors of the two .
Methods Questionnaires were designed through "Questionnaire Star" and published in the form of links, WeChat QR codes, and small programs on WeChat and the questionnaire star community. The final results were imported into SPSSAU software for data statistics and analysis.
Results Among all respondents, 42.77% had experience in Internet medical consultation, 38.96% had no experience in Internet medical consultation, and 18.26% had no relevant experience but had some understanding of Internet medical consultation. Qingdao, undergraduate, and post-80s were the most significant characteristics of those who had Internet medical consultation experience, and there were significant differences in related factors (P<0.05). The reasons for online medical consultation focus on physical discomfort, diet and health preservation, disease prevention, and vaccine-related issues. They mainly conduct medical consultation through Baidu and Ping An Health apps. The survey shows that 57.08% of users will not have time to go to the hospital. Factors prompt online consultation, 28.46% of users will be prompted by the factors that the expert account is difficult to hang up. When sudden symptoms occur, 51.45% of users choose to seek medical treatment directly offline, while users with chronic diseases and stable conditions who need long-term medication tend to choose online medical treatment. There was no significant difference in the choice of Chinese medicine treatment, western medicine treatment, and payment of related medical expenses when visiting a doctor online. 60.27% of the respondents expressed their willingness to pay a certain fee during the Internet diagnosis and treatment process, of which 53.58% of the users were willing to pay for the consultation fee, and 58.75% of the users were willing to pay for the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
Conclusion   We should combine the needs of the majority of users to develop functions that are convenient and beneficial to the people. For different groups of people, we should focus on propagating Internet concepts and popularizing basic Internet medical knowledge, increasing access to Internet medical care, and enabling users to intuitively understand the content of Internet medical services. Experience the convenience of Internet medical care.

Key words: Internet medical treatment; Internet medical app; Shandong residents; usage and cognition

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