



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2021; 5: (4) ; 65-68 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20210043.

Epidemiological Investigation and Analysis of Tuberculosis in Jiangsu Province

作者: 任雪芳, 张举, 白文丽, 袁杭, 张前春 *

南京金域医学检验所 江苏南京

宿迁市妇产医院 江苏宿迁

*通讯作者: 张前春,单位:宿迁市妇产医院 江苏宿迁;

发布时间: 2021-12-02 总浏览量: 743


目的 分析2018年-2021年间江苏地区γ-干扰素检测结果,为结核病诊断及防治提供理论依据。方法 统计南京金域近三年送检的疑似结核病人标本,采用QFT-GIT和CLIA 法检测γ-干扰素结果,统计分析时间趋势,地区分布,性别比例,年龄层分布及检测方法学对γ-干扰素检测阳性率的比较,用χ2检验进行统计分析。结果 2018.8-2021.7江苏地区结核病就诊人群及阳性结果逐年上升,而就诊人群分布为苏南苏中无差异,均大于苏北,阳性结果苏中大于苏北大于苏南;阳性结果的男女性别比例约为2:1,男性明显多于女性;阳性结果主要集中在50岁以上人群,占比71.12%;化学发光法的检出率明显高于酶免法。结论 江苏地区近年来对结核的识别和诊断意识逐年增加,检测手段更加便捷,同时反映出结核病疫情逐年上升,结核病防控形势不容乐观,应加强中老年结核病患者的防控工作。

关键词: 肺结核病;流行病学;调查分析


Objective: Analysis of the epidemic characteristics of tuberculosis patients in Jiangsu Province between 2018 and 2021,To provide theoretical basis for TB control.
Methods Statistical analysis of tuberculosis patients and positive data collected in Jiangsu by descriptive epidemiological method.
Results The number of tuberculosis patients and the positive results in Jiangsu Province increased year by year during the year of 2018.8-2021.7. There was no difference in the distribution of patients, More than North Jiangsu, Positive results were higher in central Jiangsu than in northern Jiangsu; The gender ratio of positive results is about 2:1,More men than women; The positive results were concentrated in people over 50 and under 80 years of age,61.51 per cent; he detection rate of chemiluminescence was higher than that of enzyme immunoassay.
Conclusion  s In recent years, the recognition and diagnosis consciousness of tuberculosis in Jiangsu has increased year by year, Means of detection are more convenient,At the same time, it reflects the increase of tuberculosis epidemic year by year,TB prevention and control is not optimistic,The prevention and control of middle-aged and elderly TB patients should be strengthened.

Key words: Tuberculosis; Epidemiology; Investigation and Analysis

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