目的 分析子宫内膜息肉样病变患者行超声检查与病理结果对比分析。方法 纳入我院2022年1月~2024年1月内收治的疑似子宫内膜息肉样病变患者63例,均行超声检查与病理检查,分析两种检查方式诊断结果。结果 病理诊断显示,检出子宫内膜息肉样病变阳性57例,阴性6例;超声诊断显示,检出子宫内膜息肉样病变阳性56例,阴性7例。两组诊断结果与诊断灵敏度和准确度差异经分析无统计学意义(P>0.05),但特异度存在显著差异(P<0.05)。结论 临床中对子宫内膜息肉样病变进行超声检查具有较好效果,能够提供病变相关信息,确诊患者情况,以更好展开后续治疗。
关键词: 子宫内膜息肉样病变;超声检查;病理检查
Objective To analyze the comparison between ultrasound examination and pathological results in patients with endometrial polypoid lesions. Methods 63 patients with suspected endometrial polypoid lesions admitted to our hospital from January 2022 to January 2024 were included, all of whom underwent ultrasound examination and pathological examination. The diagnostic results of the two examination methods were analyzed. Results Pathological diagnosis showed that 57 cases were positive and 6 cases were negative for endometrial polypoid lesions; Ultrasound diagnosis showed that 56 cases were positive and 7 cases were negative for endometrial polypoid lesions. The difference in diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy between the two groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05), but there was a significant difference in specificity (P<0.05). Conclusion Ultrasound examination of endometrial polypoid lesions has a good effect in clinical practice, providing relevant information about the lesions, confirming the patient's condition, and facilitating subsequent treatment.
Key words: Endometrial polypoid lesions; Ultrasonic examination; Pathological examination
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