目的 分析高血压合并冠心病治疗采用血脂康+阿托伐他汀的效果。方法 选取我院高血压合并冠心病患者进行研究,选取病例数50例,选取时间段2023年10月-2024年6月,数字排序分组,双数25例为对照组采用阿托伐他汀,单数25例为观察组加用血脂康,对两组心功能指标、血压指标及不良反应进行比较。结果 与对照组相较,观察组心功能指标及血压指标更优,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),不良反应无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 高血压合并冠心病治疗采用血脂康+阿托伐他汀的效果更优,更利于改善心功能及血压指标,且不增加不良反应,应用安全性高,更利于促进机体恢复。
关键词: 血脂康;阿托伐他汀;高血压;冠心病;治疗
Objective To analyze the effect of using Xuezhikang+atorvastatin in the treatment of hypertension combined with coronary heart disease. Methods A study was conducted on patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease in our hospital. A total of 50 cases were selected and the time period was from October 2023-June 2024. The patients were divided into two groups based on numerical sorting: the control group (25 cases with even numbers) was treated with atorvastatin, and the observation group (25 cases with odd numbers) was treated with Xuezhikang. The cardiac function indicators, blood pressure indicators, and adverse reactions of the two groups were compared. Results Compared with the control group, the observation group had better cardiac function and blood pressure indicators, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant adverse reaction (P>0.05). Conclusion The treatment of hypertension combined with coronary heart disease using Xuezhikang+atorvastatin has a better effect, is more conducive to improving heart function and blood pressure indicators, does not increase adverse reactions, has high safety, and is more conducive to promoting body recovery.
Key words: Xuezhikang; Atorvastatin; hypertension; Coronary heart disease; Treatment
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