



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2025; 9: (1) ; 148-150 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20250041.

The effect of Jichuan decoction combined with acupoint embedding therapy on the clinical efficacy, symptom score, and recurrence rate of functional constipation in the elderly

作者: 柳亚峰 *, 马婷

宁夏第五人民医院中西医结合医院 宁夏石嘴山

*通讯作者: 柳亚峰,单位:宁夏第五人民医院中西医结合医院 宁夏石嘴山;

发布时间: 2025-01-17 总浏览量: 91


目的 分析济川煎加减结合穴位埋线治疗对老年功能性便秘临床疗效、症状积分及复发率的影响。方法 选择2023年9月至2024年9月在我院就诊的80例老年功能性便秘患者为研究对象,依据随机数字表法分为参考组和实验组,每组40例,参考组采取济川煎加减治疗,实验组采取济川煎加减结合穴位埋线治疗。对比两组的症状积分、临床疗效及复发率。结果 实验组的各项症状积分均明显低于参考组(P<0.05);实验组的治疗有效率显著高于参考组(P<0.05);实验组的复发率明显低于参考组(P<0.05)。结论 济川煎加减结合穴位埋线治疗老年功能性便秘能够显著改善患者症状,提高治疗效果,降低复发率,值得临床推广和应用。

关键词: 老年功能性便秘;济川煎;穴位埋线;症状积分;复发率


Objective To analyze the clinical efficacy, symptom score, and recurrence rate of elderly functional constipation treated with Jichuan decoction combined with acupoint embedding therapy.
Methods 80 elderly patients with functional constipation who visited our hospital from September 2023 to September 2024 were selected as the research subjects. According to the random number table method, they were divided into a reference group and an experimental group, with 40 cases in each group. The reference group was treated with modified Jichuan decoction, while the experimental group was treated with modified Jichuan decoction combined with acupoint embedding therapy. Compare the symptom scores, clinical efficacy, and recurrence rate between the two groups.
Results The scores of various symptoms in the experimental group were significantly lower than those in the reference group (P<0.05); The treatment efficacy of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the reference group (P<0.05); The recurrence rate of the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the reference group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The combination of Jichuan decoction and acupoint embedding therapy can significantly improve the symptoms of elderly patients with functional constipation, enhance treatment efficacy, and reduce recurrence rate. It is worthy of clinical promotion and application.

Key words: Functional constipation in the elderly; Jichuan decoction; Acupoint embedding; Symptom score; Recurrence rate

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柳亚峰, 马婷, 济川煎加减结合穴位埋线治疗对老年功能性便秘临床疗效、症状积分及复发率的影响[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2025; 9: (1) : 148-150.