目的 分析心理护理在影像学检查患者中的应用效果。方法 选取2022年6月至2024年6月期间,在我院接受影像学检查的250例患者作为研究对象,依照随机数字表法分为参考组和实验组,每组均包含125例,参考组采取常规护理,实验组则在常规护理的基础上采取心理护理。比较两组的心理状态及检查依从性差异。结果 干预后,相较于参考组,实验组的SAS及SDS评分显著更低(P<0.05);实验组的检查依从性显著更高(P<0.05)。结论 心理护理在影像学检查患者中具有显著的应用效果,不仅可以改善患者的焦虑抑郁情绪,还能够显著提高患者的检查依从性,值得在临床中推广和应用。
关键词: 心理护理;影像学检查;焦虑;抑郁;检查依从性
Objective To analyze the application effect of psychological nursing in patients undergoing imaging examinations. Methods 250 patients who underwent imaging examinations in our hospital from June 2022 to June 2024 were selected as the research subjects. They were randomly divided into a reference group and an experimental group using a random number table method, with 125 patients in each group. The reference group received routine care, while the experimental group received psychological care in addition to routine care. Compare the psychological states and differences in compliance between the two groups. Results After intervention, compared with the reference group, the SAS and SDS scores of the experimental group were significantly lower (P<0.05); The compliance of the experimental group was significantly higher (P<0.05). Conclusion Psychological nursing has significant application effects in patients undergoing imaging examinations. It can not only improve patients' anxiety and depression, but also significantly improve their examination compliance. It is worth promoting and applying in clinical practice.
Key words: Psychological care; Imaging examination; Anxiety; Depression; Check compliance
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