



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2025; 9: (1) ; 133-135 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20250036.

Comparison of the clinical efficacy of estrogen and progesterone combination therapy with Diane-35 in the treatment of functional uterine bleeding during puberty

作者: 徐娟, 刘志琴 *

泰州市姜堰中医院 江苏泰州

*通讯作者: 刘志琴,单位:泰州市姜堰中医院 江苏泰州;

发布时间: 2025-01-17 总浏览量: 140


目的 探究雌孕激素联合应用与达英-35在青春期功能性子宫出血治疗中的疗效差异。方法 选择2023年10月至2024年10月期间,我院接诊的80例青春期功能性子宫出血病例作为研究样本,依据随机分配原则,为参考组与实验组,每组均包含40例,参考组接受雌孕激素联合应用治疗,实验组采取达英-35治疗。对比两组的止血时间、控制出血时间及临床疗效的差异。结果 实验组的止血时间及控制出血时间均明显更短(P<0.05);实验组的治疗有效率显著更高(P<0.05)。结论 达英-35在治疗青春期功能性子宫出血方面相较于雌孕激素联合应用具有更好的临床效果,值得在临床中推广应用。

关键词: 青春期;功能性子宫出血;雌孕激素;达英-35;止血时间;临床疗效


Objective To explore the therapeutic effect differences between the combined use of estrogen and progesterone and danying-35 in the treatment of functional uterine bleeding during puberty.
Methods 80 cases of functional uterine bleeding during adolescence treated in our hospital from October 2023 to October 2024 were selected as the study sample. According to the principle of random allocation, they were divided into a reference group and an experimental group, with 40 cases in each group. The reference group received combined treatment with estrogen and progesterone, while the experimental group received treatment with danying-35. Compare the differences in hemostasis time, bleeding control time, and clinical efficacy between the two groups.
Results The hemostasis time and bleeding control time of the experimental group were significantly shorter (P<0.05); The treatment efficacy of the experimental group was significantly higher (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Daiying-35 has better clinical efficacy in treating functional uterine bleeding during puberty compared to the combination of estrogen and progesterone, and is worthy of promotion and application in clinical practice.

Key words: Adolescence; Functional uterine bleeding; Estrogen and progesterone; Daying-35; Hemostasis time; Clinical efficacy

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徐娟, 刘志琴, 雌孕激素联合应用与达英-35治疗青春期功能性子宫出血的临床效果比较[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2025; 9: (1) : 133-135.