



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2025; 9: (1) ; 104-107 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20250027.

Study on the influence factors of different treatment regimens on the preserved fallopian tubes in tubal pregnancy

作者: 高俊丽, 彭丹 *, 蒋苹, 孟丽燕

昆明市妇幼保健院 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 彭丹,单位:昆明市妇幼保健院 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2025-01-16 总浏览量: 134


目的 分析输卵管妊娠患者采取不同治疗方案对所保留输卵管的影响。方法 选取昆明市妇幼保健院妇科2022年6月~2023年6月间收治共100例输卵管妊娠患者,根据治疗方式差别分为2组,对照组50例均采取药物保守治疗,观察组50例均采取腹腔镜保守性手术治疗。达到治愈标准3个月时进行子宫输卵管碘油造影检查,评估输卵管通畅状态;同时随访6个月记录妊娠结局。结果 观察组患侧输卵管通畅率相比对照组提高(P<0.05)。观察组自然宫内妊娠率相比对照组更高,重复性异位妊娠、不孕率相比对照组更低(P<0.05)。对照组住院费用明显低于观察组,但住院时间明显比观察组长(P<0.05)。结论 腹腔镜保守性手术治疗输卵管妊娠相比药物保守治疗可改善输卵管通畅状态,提高自然宫内妊娠率。

关键词: 腹腔镜保守性手术;药物保守治疗;输卵管妊娠;自然宫内妊娠;输卵管通畅率


Objective To analyze the effects of different treatment regimens on the preserved fallopian tubes in tubal pregnancy.
Methods A total of 100 patients with tubal pregnancy admitted to the Gynecology department of Kunming Maternal and Child Health Hospital from June 2022 to June 2023 were divided into 2 groups according to the difference in treatment methods. 50 cases in the control group were treated with drug conservative treatment, and 50 cases in the observation group were treated with laparoscopic conservative surgery. Uterine and fallopian tube iodography was performed at 3 months after reaching the therapeutic standard to evaluate the patency of fallopian tube. At the same time, the pregnancy outcome was recorded after 6 months of follow-up.
Results The patency rate of the affected fallopian tube in the observation group was higher than that in the control group (P > 0.05). The natural intrauterine pregnancy rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the repeated ectopic pregnancy and infertility rate were lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion  s Laparoscopic conservative surgery can improve the patency of fallopian tube and increase the rate of natural intrauterine pregnancy compared with drug conservative treatment.

Key words: Conservative laparoscopic surgery; Drug conservative treatment; Tubal pregnancy; Natural intrauterine pregnancy; Tubal patency rate

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