关键词: 中医;临床思维;传承和创新;进展
Clinical thinking in traditional Chinese medicine is a summary of Chinese medicine experience and the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese medicine practitioners. It is a behavioral guide for Chinese medicine in treating patients in clinical practice. This study aims to explore the inheritance and innovation of clinical thinking in traditional Chinese medicine. By analyzing the characteristics and importance of clinical thinking in traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the problems existing in current traditional Chinese medicine education, it proposes to strengthen the teaching of traditional Chinese medicine classics, reform the education mode of traditional Chinese medicine colleges and universities, carry out case-based teaching of traditional Chinese medicine classics, and combine modern technology and other strategies to promote the inheritance and innovative development of clinical thinking in traditional Chinese medicine. By inheriting and innovating the clinical thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, we aim to improve the clinical level of traditional Chinese medicine and promote the high-quality development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.
Key words: Traditional Chinese Medicine; Clinical thinking; Inheritance and innovation; Progress
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