本文旨在深入探讨 “取类比象” 这一思维方法在中药学中的运用实践。“取类比象” 是依据事物相似性类比推理的思维法,其理论基础包括天人合一思想与阴阳五行学说。在中药认识方面应用广泛。随后深入剖析在中药学中的多方面应用,涵盖性能认知、药物功效,依多种配伍关系组方以及在临床应用等方面的具体表现。同时探讨了其主观性强、精准性不足、适用范围有限等局限性,不能单纯依赖此方法确定药物功效,需结合化学分析、药理研究与临床试验等技术,融合系统论等现代思维并强化临床研究,以此验证补充取类比象结果,创新研究思路,为其应用提供可靠依据,推动中药学发展,提升其科学性与准确性,助力人类健康保障事业。
关键词: 取类比象;中药学;运用实践
This article aims to explore in depth the practical application of the thinking method of "taking analogies" in traditional Chinese medicine. 'Taking analogical images' is a thinking method based on the similarity of things, and its theoretical basis includes the idea of the unity of heaven and man and the theory of yin and yang and the five elements. Widely used in the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine. Subsequently, a comprehensive analysis was conducted on the various applications in traditional Chinese medicine, covering performance cognition, drug efficacy, formulation based on multiple compatibility relationships, and specific manifestations in clinical applications. At the same time, the limitations of its subjectivity, insufficient accuracy, and limited applicability were explored. It is not enough to rely solely on this method to determine drug efficacy. It is necessary to combine chemical analysis, pharmacological research, and clinical trials, integrate modern thinking such as systems theory, and strengthen clinical research to verify and supplement analogical results, innovate research ideas, provide reliable basis for its application, promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine, improve its scientific and accurate nature, and assist in the cause of human health protection.
Key words: Taking analogies; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Apply Practice
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