Open Access Article
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2025; 9: (1) ; 84-86 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20250021.
Effect of anal fistulectomy combined with pouch suture on wound healing time and scar area of low anal fistulas
宋春光 *,
秦皇岛市第一医院肛肠外科 河北秦皇岛
宋春光,单位:秦皇岛市第一医院肛肠外科 河北秦皇岛;
发布时间: 2025-01-15 总浏览量: 204
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目的 分析肛瘘切开术联合袋形缝合术治疗低位肛瘘对其创面愈合时间和愈合时疤痕面积的影响。方法 选取我院的患者(2021年9月~2023年9月)共60例,上述患者均患有低位肛瘘疾病,为了更加明确联合手术效果与未联合之间效果的差异性,可将其分为对照组和观察组,前组进行肛瘘切开术接受治疗,后组在前组的基础上加入袋形缝合术治疗,随后分析两组患者的创面愈合时间、愈合时疤痕面积以及手术创面面积。结果 创面愈合时间观察组比对照组短,愈合时疤痕面积以及手术创面面积观察组比对照组小,P < 0.05。结论 对于患有低位肛瘘的患者应用肛瘘切开术联合袋形缝合术的方式开展治疗工作之后可看出,患者创面的愈合时间更短,并且在愈合过程中疤痕的面积以及手术创面的面积更小,更有利于促进患者恢复,值得应用和推广。
关键词: 肛瘘切开术;袋形缝合术;低位肛瘘;创面愈合时间
Objective To analyze the effects of anal fistulectomy combined with pouch suture on wound healing time and scar area of low anal fistulas. Methods A total of 60 patients in our hospital (from September 2022 to September 2023) were selected, all of whom suffered from low anal fistula diseases. In order to better clarify the difference between the effect of combined operation and that of non-combined operation, they could be divided into control group and observation group. The former group was treated with anal fistulotomy, and the latter group was treated with pouch suture on the basis of the former group. Subsequently, the wound healing time, scar area and surgical wound area of the two groups were analyzed. Results The wound healing time in the observation group was shorter than that in the control group, the scar area during healing and the surgical wound area in the observation group were smaller than that in the control group, P < 0.05. Conclusion For patients suffering from low anal fistula, it can be seen that the wound healing time of patients is shorter, and the area of scar and surgical wound in the healing process is smaller, which is more conducive to the recovery of patients, and is worthy of application and promotion.
Key words: Anal fistulotomy; Pouch suture; Low anal fistula; Wound healing time
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