关键词: 中医药教育;本科教学;“双通双融”;人才培养模式;教学质量
With the deepening of economic globalization and China's market economy, the types and training models of traditional Chinese medicine talents are facing new requirements. The integration of traditional Chinese medicine and composite talents has become an inevitable choice to adapt to the market economy. This article explores the research and practice of the "dual access and dual integration" talent cultivation model under the background of undergraduate education in traditional Chinese medicine, aiming to improve the quality of traditional Chinese medicine talent cultivation. By analyzing the connotation, advantages, and practical cases of this model, its importance and feasibility in traditional Chinese medicine education have been revealed. Research has found that the "dual access and dual integration" talent training model not only promotes students' professional skills and medical ethics, but also enhances their international communication and innovation abilities. Therefore, this model has broad promotion value and application prospects.
Key words: Traditional Chinese Medicine Education; Undergraduate teaching; 'Dual access and dual integration'; Talent cultivation mode; Teaching quality
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