



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2025; 9: (1) ; 66-68 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20250016.

Evaluation of skills enhancement and teaching effectiveness for operating room nurses

作者: 潘文昱 *

中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 江苏南京

*通讯作者: 潘文昱,单位:中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 江苏南京;

发布时间: 2025-01-14 总浏览量: 185


目的 ①提升手术室护理人员的专业技能,提高手术室护理质量。②培养高素质的手术室护理团队,提升医院整体形象。③评估带教效果,为改进带教方法和策略提供依据。方法 本研究采用问卷调查法、操作技能考核法和带教效果评估法相结合的方式进行。①问卷调查法:针对手术室护理人员的基本信息、技能水平、工作满意度等方面设计问卷。②操作技能考核法:制定具体的手术室护理操作技能考核标准,对手术室护理人员进行考核,评价其技能水平。③带教效果评估法:通过对比带教前后的护理人员技能水平和手术室护理质量,评估带教效果。结果 ①技能提升:经过培训,手术室护理人员的操作技能水平显著提高,平均分数较培训前提高了30%。②带教效果:带教后,手术室护理人员的手术成功率、患者满意度等指标均得到了显著改善。③工作满意度:护理人员的工作满意度也有所提高,表明培训对其产生了积极的影响。结论 本研究通过对手术室护理人员技能提升与带教效果评估,得出以下结论:①加强手术室护理人员的培训是提升其专业技能的有效途径。②采用多种评估方法可以全面了解带教效果,为改进带教方法和策略提供依据。③技能提升和带教效果评估对于提高手术室护理质量和医院整体形象具有重要意义。

关键词: 手术室;护理人员;技能提升


Objective ①To improve the professional skills of operating room nurses and improve the quality of operating room nursing. ②To cultivate a high-quality operating room nursing team and enhance the overall image of the hospital. ③To evaluate the teaching effect and provide a basis for improving teaching methods and strategies.
Methods This study was conducted by combining questionnaire survey, operation skill assessment and teaching effect evaluation. ①Questionnaire survey method: Questionnaires were designed for the basic information, skill level, job satisfaction and other aspects of operating room nurses. ②Operation skill assessment method: Specific operating room nursing operation skill assessment standards were formulated to assess operating room nurses and evaluate their skill level. ③Teaching effect evaluation method: The teaching effect was evaluated by comparing the skill level of nurses and the quality of operating room nursing before and after teaching.
Results ①Skill improvement: After training, the operation skill level of operating room nurses was significantly improved, and the average score increased by 30% compared with before training. ②Teaching effect: After teaching, the surgical success rate, patient satisfaction and other indicators of operating room nurses were significantly improved. ③Job satisfaction: The job satisfaction of nurses also improved, indicating that the training had a positive impact on them.
Conclusion   This study evaluated the skill improvement and teaching effect of operating room nurses, and the following conclusions were drawn: ① Strengthening the training of operating room nurses is an effective way to improve their professional skills. ② Using a variety of evaluation methods can fully understand the teaching effect and provide a basis for improving teaching methods and strategies. ③ Skill improvement and teaching effect evaluation are of great significance to improving the quality of operating room nursing and the overall image of the hospital.

Key words: Operating room; Nursing staff; Skill improvement

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潘文昱, 手术室护理人员技能提升与带教效果评估[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2025; 9: (1) : 66-68.