



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (9) ; 123-126 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240369.

The application of self-efficacy theory in improving the ability of outpatient nursing staff to deal with emergencies

作者: 何翠雁 *, 司徒月儿, 谢妙梨

开平市中心医院 广东江门

*通讯作者: 何翠雁,单位:开平市中心医院 广东江门;

发布时间: 2024-09-28 总浏览量: 340


目的 探讨基于自我效能理论在提升门诊护理人员应对突发事件能力中的应用效果。方法 在2023年1月-2024年4月间取符合研究标准的门诊护理人员58例作为研究对象,并以自我效能理论实施前(2023年1月-2023年8月)及自我效能理论实施后(2023年9月-2024年4月)进行分组,即参照组(实施前)、研究组(实施后),对比两组护理人员突发事件处理能力评分、管理满意度等相关数据,通过针对收集数据对比,判定护理效果。结果 统计两组护理人员突发事件处理能力评分,护理人员快速反应能力、有效沟通能力、团队协作能力,各评分统计结果研究组高于参照组(P<0.05);统计护理人员管理满意度研究组高于参照组(P<0.05);数据以研究组具有优势性。结论 基于自我效能理论在提升门诊护理人员应对突发事件能力中的应用效果理想,可以降低突发事件发生率,提高护理人员处理突发事件的能力,增强管理措施满意度,具有广泛应用价值。

关键词: 自我效能理论;门诊护理人员;突发事件


Objective To explore the application effect of self-efficacy theory in improving the ability of outpatient nursing staff to deal with emergencies.
Methods Between January 2023-April 2024 met the study criteria, and before the implementation of self-efficacy theory (January 2023-August 2023) and the implementation of self-efficacy theory (September 2023-April 2024), namely the reference group (before implementation), research group (after implementation), compare the two groups of nursing staff emergency handling ability score, management satisfaction and related data, the nursing effect was determined by comparing the collected data.
Results The score of two nursing staff, emergency response ability, the study group is higher than the reference group (P <0.05); the management satisfaction of nursing staff is higher than the reference group (P <0.05); the data is advantageous in the study group.
Conclusion   Based on the self-efficacy theory in improving the ability of outpatient nursing staff to deal with emergencies, it can reduce the incidence of emergencies, improve the ability of nursing staff to deal with emergencies, enhance the satisfaction of management measures, and it has wide application value.

Key words: Self-efficacy theory; outpatient nursing staff; emergency

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何翠雁, 司徒月儿, 谢妙梨, 基于自我效能理论在提升门诊护理人员应对突发事件能力中的应用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (9) : 123-126.