



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2025; 9: (1) ; 15-19 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20250005.

Clinical comparative application and significance of axial patellar radiography in different positions

作者: 易晋声 *

中山大学附属第七医院 广东深圳

*通讯作者: 易晋声,单位:中山大学附属第七医院 广东深圳;

发布时间: 2025-01-10 总浏览量: 186


目的 探究不同体位髌骨轴位X线摄影的临床应用及实际意义。方法 根据患者膝关节损伤实际情况选择相适用的髌骨轴位体位进行X线摄影,对比不同体位的髌骨轴位图像质量和患者舒适度进行综合诊断结果分析。结果 常规俯卧位髌骨轴位图像质量评价为优占比72.32%,良占比20.54%;其他特殊体位髌骨轴位图像质量价为优占比75%,良占比20.59%。结论 其他特殊体位髌骨轴位X线摄影图像质量与常规髌骨轴位X线摄影质量相差无异,均可提供优良的影像信息,使诊断报告的准确率得以提升,且特殊体位均与膝关节和髌骨的解剖结构及活动规律相符,同时患者可以保持一个相对舒服的体位,建议与俯卧位一样推广作为髌骨检查的常规体位。

关键词: 髌骨轴位;特殊体位;X线摄影;临床价值


Objective To explore the clinical application and practical significance of axial patellar radiography in different positions.
Methods According to the actual situation of knee joint injury, the appropriate patellar axial position was selected for X-ray photography, and the image quality of different patellar axial position was compared to analyze the diagnosis results.
Results The image quality of conventional prone patella axial position was excellent 72.32% and good 20.54%. The image quality of other special patellar axial position accounted for 75% of excellent and 20.59% of good.
Conclusion   The X-ray image quality of other special position patella axial position is no different from that of conventional patella axial position, which can provide excellent image information and improve the diagnostic accuracy. Moreover, the special position is consistent with the anatomical structure and movement rule of the knee joint and patella, and the patient can maintain a relatively comfortable position. It is recommended that the prone position be promoted as a routine position for patella examination.

Key words: patellar axial position; Special postures; X-ray photography; Clinical value

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易晋声, 不同体位髌骨轴位X线摄影的临床对比应用及意义[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2025; 9: (1) : 15-19.