



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (6) ; 163-165 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240238.

The application of lower eyelid muscle folding technique combined with lower eyelid surgeryin lower eyelid plastic surgery

作者: 朱晓波 *

南京眼神医疗美容有限公司美容外科 江苏南京

*通讯作者: 朱晓波,单位:南京眼神医疗美容有限公司美容外科 江苏南京;

发布时间: 2024-06-30 总浏览量: 247



关键词: 卧蚕成型术;下至术;卧蚕;下至;肌肉折叠


To observe the surgical effect of lower eyelid muscle folding surgery combined with lower eyelid muscle folding surgery for those who are not full enough, have unclear morphology, require full and obvious structure of the lying silkworm, optimize the curvature of the lower eyelid, and seek beauty with enlarged eyes. Method: A clinical study was conducted on 40 patients (with an average age of 30 ± 10 years) who underwent lower eyelid muscle folding surgery in our hospital from January 2023 to June 2023 as needed, Take an incision 2mm away from the eyelashes, cut open the skin and orbicularis muscle, and fold and suture the upper and lower lip orbicularis muscle of the incision to increase the fullness of the silkworms. From the bottom, optimize the curvature of the lower eyelid through the shortening and fixation of the lower eyelid constrictor muscle, and observe the postoperative effect and complications. The results showed that 30 cases were excellent, 7 cases were good, and 3 cases were average. The first three days after surgery were during the swelling period, and some beauty seekers experienced bruising and swelling, but the effect was not significant, It was caused by swelling and congestion. On the fourth day, it began to rapidly reduce the swelling and gradually showed the effect of lying silkworm and descending silkworm. One month after the operation, it basically reduced the swelling and recovered, the structure of lying silkworm became obvious, and there was no obvious retraction from down to in position.
Conclusion  : The improvement rate of surgical excellence is 92.5%, and the effect is maintained for a long time. The 2-year maintenance rate needs to be observed, and the effect is long-lasting with fewer complications.

Key words: Lying silkworm forming; Muscle folding; Downward; Permanent; Dynamic changes

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