



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (6) ; 142-144 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240233.

Perioperative nursing strategies for 60 middle-aged and elderly bedridden orthopedic patients

作者: 时健鑫 *, 李文艳, 吴娟, 张兰

北京丰台右安门医院 北京

*通讯作者: 时健鑫,单位:北京丰台右安门医院 北京;

发布时间: 2024-06-29 总浏览量: 180


目的 研究中老年骨科患者手术期间的护理方法。方法 选取本院最近两年内60名经历过围手术期的中老年患者,他们中部分伴有糖尿病、冠心病或高血压等病史,实施从术前到术后的全面护理指导。结果 通过术前对患者及家属的教育和心理疏导减轻了患者紧张情绪,提高了护理满意度,且在术后康复阶段强调患肢功能锻炼,及时预防并处理可能出现的肺部感染、压疮、心血管并发症及泌尿系统问题,积极配合手术治疗、护理。结论 通过术前、术后护理指导的实施,有效提升了中老年骨科病人患者围手术期的舒适度与满意度,加快了康复进程,减少并发症 发生,有效提高其生活质量。从而证实了进行术前、术后护理指导措施对中老年骨科卧床患者围手术期管理的重要价值。

关键词: 中老年;骨科;围手术期;护理


Objective Research on nursing methods during surgery for middle-aged and elderly orthopedic patients.
Methods We selected 60 middle-aged and elderly patients who had experienced perioperative period in our hospital in the past two years, some of whom had a history of diabetes, coronary heart disease or hypertension, and implemented comprehensive nursing guidance from preoperative to postoperative.
Results Through preoperative education and psychological counseling for patients and their families, the patient's tension was reduced, nursing satisfaction was improved, and in the postoperative rehabilitation stage, emphasis was placed on functional exercise of the affected limb, timely prevention and treatment of possible lung infections, pressure ulcers, cardiovascular complications, and urinary system problems, actively cooperating with surgical treatment and care.
Conclusion   Provide perioperative care for middle-aged and elderly orthopedic patients, reduce the occurrence of complications, and effectively improve their quality of life.

Key words: Middle aged and elderly people; Orthopedics; Perioperative period; Nursing

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时健鑫, 李文艳, 吴娟, 张兰, 60例骨科中老年卧床患者围手术期的护理对策[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (6) : 142-144.