



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (6) ; 87-89 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240217.

Analysis of influence of evidence-based nursing on quality of life and sleep of AIDS patients

作者: 刘畅 *, 郭慧

成都市公共卫生临床医疗中心 四川成都

*通讯作者: 刘畅,单位:成都市公共卫生临床医疗中心 四川成都;

发布时间: 2024-06-29 总浏览量: 159


目的 本文考察循证护理对艾滋病患者生命质量及睡眠质量的影响价值及推广意义,旨在促进领域研究的发展进程,更好、更完善的为艾滋病患者提供服务,保障其生命质量。方法 实验以对照形式体现,收集2022年8月至2023年8月期间,笔者院内收治的艾滋病患者为研究依据,抽取人数共80例,遵循奇偶分组方式进行小组划分,每组安排(n=40),实施常规干预策略的小组定义为参照组,实施循证护理的小组定义为研究组,随之展开数据收集,资料统计,效果比对。比对数据涵盖:护理前后患者生命质量、护理前后睡眠质量、患者对护理工作的满意程度。采用t检测(正态计量数据);采用χ2检验(计数资料);计算均数以(͞x±s)代替。结果 方案不同,收获效果也截然不同,研究组采纳方案更具可实施性和优异性,患者在各项指标数值的体现上均显优另一组,形成明显优劣差异,P值达小于0.05标准,值得探讨。结论 通过针对两组患者开展不同形式的干预策略后发现,循证护理模式在艾滋病患者临床护理中的影响意义更为突出,均体现于如下方面:不仅能够有效改善患者生命质量,提高患者睡眠质量,还能极大增进护患关系和谐,提高护理满意度,值得广泛采纳,大力推行。

关键词: 循证护理;艾滋病患者;生命质量;睡眠质量;影响分析


Objective To investigate the impact value and promotion significance of evidence-based nursing on the quality of life and sleep quality of AIDS patients, in order to promote the development process of field research, better and more perfect services for AIDS patients and ensure their quality of life.
Methods The experiment was carried out in the form of control. A total of 80 cases of AIDS patients treated in our hospital from August 2022 to August 2023 were collected as the basis of the study. Groups were divided according to the odd-even grouping method, and each group was arranged (n=40). The group implementing routine intervention strategies was defined as the reference group, and the group implementing evidence-based nursing was defined as the research group. Then the data collection, data statistics, effect comparison. The comparison data included: patients' life quality before and after nursing, sleep quality before and after nursing, patients' satisfaction with nursing work. t detection (normal measurement data); χ2 test was used (statistical data). The calculated mean is (͞x±s) instead.
Results Different schemes resulted in completely different harvest effects. The scheme adopted by the study group was more feasible and excellent, and the patients were superior to the other group in the reflection of various index values, forming a significant difference between good and bad, and the P-value was less than 0.05 standard, which was worth exploring.
Conclusion   After carrying out different forms of intervention strategies for the two groups of patients, it was found that the influence of evidence-based nursing mode in the clinical nursing of AIDS patients was more prominent, which was reflected in the following aspects: it could not only effectively improve the quality of life of patients, improve the quality of sleep of patients, but also greatly enhance the harmony of nurse-patient relationship and improve nursing satisfaction, which was worthy of widespread adoption and vigorous implementation.

Key words: Evidence-based nursing; AIDS patients; Quality of life; Sleep quality; Impact analysis

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