



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (5) ; 103-105 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240193.

The clinical application effect of targeted nursing in the care of pediatric pneumonia

作者: 张蓓 *

洪湖市人民医院 湖北荆州

*通讯作者: 张蓓,单位:洪湖市人民医院 湖北荆州;

发布时间: 2024-05-20 总浏览量: 172


目的 探讨针对性护理对小儿肺炎患者的应用效果。方法 选取我院2022年6月~2023年6月,我院收治的小儿肺炎患者86例,使用随机对照法分为对照组(43例,使用常规护理干预)和实验组(43例,使用针对性护理干预),对比两组患儿临床护理效果。结果 对比两组患儿肺功能相关指标显示,实验组患儿各指标均优于对照组;对比两组患儿临床指标显示,实验组患儿临床症状缓解时间和住院时间均短于对照组;对比两组患儿家属满意度显示,实验组各项满意维度均高于对照组。以上结果组间差异对比显示均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 临床中对小儿肺炎患儿实施针对性护理能够显著提高患儿肺功能恢复,促进患儿肺炎症状好转和康复,具有应用价值。

关键词: 小儿肺炎;针对性护理;临床效果


Objective To explore the application effect of targeted nursing on pediatric pneumonia patients.
Methods 86 pediatric pneumonia patients admitted to our hospital from June 2022 to June 2023 were selected and randomly divided into a control group (43 cases, treated with routine nursing intervention) and an experimental group (43 cases, treated with targeted nursing intervention) using a randomized control method. The clinical nursing effects of the two groups of pediatric patients were compared.
Results Comparing the lung function related indicators of the two groups of children, it was found that all indicators of the experimental group were better than those of the control group; Comparing the clinical indicators of two groups of children, it was found that the experimental group had shorter clinical symptom relief time and hospital stay compared to the control group; Comparing the satisfaction levels of family members of two groups of patients, it was found that the experimental group had higher satisfaction dimensions than the control group. The above results showed statistically significant differences between groups (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Targeted nursing for pediatric pneumonia patients in clinical practice can significantly improve their lung function recovery, promote the improvement and recovery of pneumonia symptoms, and have practical value.

Key words: Pediatric pneumonia; Targeted care; Clinical effects

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