



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (6) ; 1-6 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240195.

Research progress of lncRNA and colorectal cancer

作者: 张顺玲1, 郑盛2 *, 杨涓2

1 大理大学临床医学院 云南大理

2 大理大学第二附属医院 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 郑盛,单位: 大理大学第二附属医院 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2024-06-25 总浏览量: 393


近年来,越来越多的证据表明 lncRNA(long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)通过多种分子信号通路调节肿瘤增殖、凋亡、侵袭和转移等生物学过程。lncRNA在结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)中具有促癌及抑癌的双重作用,通过测定其表达量,可预测CRC患者的预后,但是相关文献报道较为零散,本文结合目前已有报道,就多种不同类型的lncRNA与CRC的研究进展作一综述。

关键词: 结直肠癌;大肠癌;lncRNAs;生物标志物;诊断;基因


In recent years, more and more evidence has shown that lncRNA (long non-coding RNA) regulate biological processes such as tumor proliferation, apoptosis, invasion and metastasis through various molecular signaling pathways. LncRNA plays a dual role in promoting and suppressing cancer in colorectal cancer (CRC), and its expression level is used to predict the prognosis of CRC patients. However, relevant literature reports are scattered. Based on existing reports, this paper analyzes the role of lncRNA in colorectal cancer. This article reviews the research progress of various types of lncRNA and CRC.

Key words: Colorectal cancer; Long non-coding RNA; Biomarkers; Diagnosis; Gene

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张顺玲, 郑盛, 杨涓, lncRNA与结直肠癌的研究进展[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (6) : 1-6.