



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (2) ; 157-159 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240077.

The application of whole-course diversified health education model in general elderly chronic disease nursing

作者: 李瑞雪 *, 陈颖, 陈丹

贵州省瓮安县天文镇中心卫生院 贵州黔南布依族苗族自治州

*通讯作者: 李瑞雪,单位:贵州省瓮安县天文镇中心卫生院 贵州黔南布依族苗族自治州;

发布时间: 2024-02-23 总浏览量: 163


目的 重点验证、分析、评价全程多样化健康教育模式在全科老年慢性病护理中的应用效果及影响意义,期待能为领域研究提供理论与实践依据,为广大患者生命健康保驾护航。方法 研究期限拟定为2022年12月至2023年12月之间,所选样本为本时段院内收治的老年慢性病患者,人数共计100例,依据知情同意的原则,按照系统抽样法将其均衡分至两个小组(n=50),参照组:借助常规护理方式对患者实施干预指导;研究组:执行全程多样化健康教育干预模式,随之进行相关数据的收集整理、统计归纳、整合比对。比对数据包含:用药依从性、安全用药知识、慢性病防治信念评分、并发症发生率、不良事件发生率、护理满意度。结果 研究结束后,统计学评估后可知,不同方案策略的开展,所得效果截然不同,研究组患者在上述指标数值的呈现上均显优参照组(P<0.05)。结论 在本次研究中,有针对性的对全程多样化健康教育模式在全科老年慢性病患者中的影响价值展开分析研讨,目的在于能够使其优势性尽显,此方案的应用实施,不仅能显著提高老年慢性病患者治疗依从性、健康知识掌握程度、生活质量以及用药依从性,还可切实降低并发症发生率、不良事件发生率,增加护患关系和谐,促进护理满意度的提高,其应用价值卓越,影响意义深远,值得广泛采纳,大力推崇。

关键词: 全程多样化;健康教育模式;老年慢性病


Objective To verify, analyze and evaluate the application effect and influence significance of the whole diversified health education model in the general elderly chronic disease care, hoping to provide theoretical and practical basis for the field research and escort the life and health of the majority of patients.
Methods The study period was planned to be from December 2022 to December 2023. The selected samples were 100 elderly patients with chronic diseases admitted to the hospital during this period. According to the principle of informed consent, they were evenly divided into two groups (n=50) according to systematic sampling method. Research group: Implement the whole diversified health education intervention mode, and then collect and collate relevant data, statistical induction, integration and comparison. The comparison data included: medication compliance, safe medication knowledge, chronic disease prevention and treatment belief score, complication rate, adverse event rate, nursing satisfaction.
Results After the end of the study, statistical evaluation showed that the effects of different programs and strategies were completely different, and patients in the study group were better than those in the reference group in terms of the above indicators (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   In this study, the influence value of the whole-course diversified health education mode in the general practice of elderly patients with chronic diseases was analyzed and discussed, aiming to make its advantages fully evident. The application and implementation of this program can not only significantly improve the treatment compliance, health knowledge mastery, quality of life and medication compliance of elderly patients with chronic diseases. It can also effectively reduce the incidence of complications and adverse events, increase the harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, and promote the improvement of nursing satisfaction. Its application value is excellent, the impact is far-reaching, and it is worth widely adopted and strongly respected.

Key words: Full diversification; Health education model; Senile chronic disease

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李瑞雪, 陈颖, 陈丹, 全程多样化健康教育模式在全科老年慢性病护理中应用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (2) : 157-159.