



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (2) ; 75-77 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240053.

Factors and preventive measures of fatty blood in voluntaryblood donation

作者: 喇光忠 *, 马婷, 惠霞

临夏州中心血站 甘肃临夏

*通讯作者: 喇光忠,单位:临夏州中心血站 甘肃临夏;

发布时间: 2024-02-23 总浏览量: 199


目的 对临夏地区近三年的无偿献血情况进行统计,分析研究脂肪血产生的因素,对下一步工作中如何降低脂肪血的发生提出预防措施,在避免血液浪费上具有十分重要的意义。方法 应用穿越第四代安全输血标准化系统和无偿献血登记表查询2019-2021年献血者信息及血液信息,进行统计、比较和分析。结果 男性献血者的脂肪血发生率远高于女性;随着年龄的增长脂肪血的发生率也逐步上升;上午献血发生脂肪血的比例明显低于下午献血;脂肪血的产生与体质量指数有很大关系;初次献血者发生脂肪血的比例远高于再次献血者;团体献血的脂肪血发生比例低于街头献血。结论 通过对相关数据进行分析,发现脂肪血的发生比例和献血者的性别、年龄、献血次数、体质量指数(BMI)、献血时间段及不同献血模式有很大关系。

关键词: 无偿献血;脂肪血;预防


Objective To make statistics on unpaid blood donation in Linxia area in the past three years, analyze and study the factors of fatty blood generation, and put forward preventive measures on how to reduce the occurrence of fatty blood in the next work, which is of great significance in avoiding blood waste.
Methods The information of blood donors and blood from 2019 to 2021 was queried through the fourth generation safe blood transfusion standardization system and the voluntary blood donation registration form, and the statistics, comparison and analysis were conducted.
Results The incidence of adipose blood in male donors was much higher than that in female donors. With the increase of age, the incidence of fatty blood also gradually increased; The proportion of adipose blood in morning blood donation was significantly lower than that in afternoon blood donation. Lipoblood production is closely related to body mass index. The proportion of fatty blood in the first blood donors was much higher than that in the second blood donors. The proportion of fatty blood in group blood donation was lower than that in street blood donation.
Conclusion   Through the analysis of relevant data, it is found that the proportion of fatty blood is closely related to the gender, age, blood donation times, body mass index (BMI), blood donation time period and different blood donation patterns.

Key words: Unpaid blood donation; Fatty blood; Prevent

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