关键词: 分层递进模式;传染病;住院医师规范化培训
This article aims to explore the key aspects of medical personnel training in the infectious disease department, with a focus on the importance of standardized training. Through a hierarchical training model, medical personnel can systematically learn and improve their infectious disease knowledge and skills at different stages. We introduce the standardization and specification of training in detail, as well as the specific training content at the primary, intermediate, and advanced stages. At the same time, we explore methods for training evaluation and quality assurance to ensure that medical personnel receive high-quality training and improve their practical ability in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Standardized training is indispensable in improving the level of resident physicians in the infectious disease department. Standardized training not only ensures that medical personnel have the necessary knowledge and skills, but also helps them adapt to the changing medical environment and emerging infectious diseases. Through a hierarchical training model, resident physicians can systematically learn and improve, providing more comprehensive and professional services for handling cases at different stages. In the future, attention should be paid to addressing the challenges faced, including inadequate resources and the continuous updating of technical medical knowledge. By leveraging technological innovation and collaboration with other fields of medicine, the training system can be constantly improved to become more flexible and adaptable. Such efforts will help build a stronger and more sustainable infectious disease training system, making a more positive contribution to improving the level of medical personnel and addressing infectious disease challenges.
Key words: Hierarchical progressive mode; Infectious diseases; Standardized training for residents
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