



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (11) ; 46-50 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230351.

Pharmacological analysis of the regulation of sub-health system of Ginseng Sini Decoctionbased on DNA energy relaxation mechanism

作者: 王忠策 *, 郑永春

吉林农业科技学院电气与信息工程学院 吉林

*通讯作者: 王忠策,单位:吉林农业科技学院电气与信息工程学院 吉林;

发布时间: 2023-11-27 总浏览量: 184


探讨人参四逆汤(Ginseng-Sini Decoction, GSSD)在亚健康调理方面的生理作用机制。方法:基于TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)网络药理学分析平台(TCMSP),我们在GSSD中检索到四种中药(人参、附子、生姜和甘草)的化学成分和靶位。构建复合靶网络和蛋白质相互作用(PPI)网络,进行基因本体(GO)功能性富集分析,进行京都基因和基因组(KEGG)通路富集分析,分析蛋白质能量转移的分子机制和基因载体。结果:复合靶网络含有137种化合物和60个相应的靶标,关键靶标涉及前列腺素G/H合酶2(PTGS2),雌激素受体,钙调蛋白等。PPI网络含有39个蛋白质,关键蛋白质包括Jun,Ar,NCOA1蛋白等。GO功能富集分析产生167个作用实体。KEGG通路富集筛选70个信号通路涉及钙信号通路,神经活性配体受体相互作用,癌症的通路,光谱分析结合DNA能量弛豫机制等。本研究结果初步验证了GSSD在预防和治疗亚健康方面的分子及生物物理学机制,并为进一步探索其机制提供参考信息和依据。

关键词: 人参四逆汤(GSSD);网络药理学;蛋白质相互作用网络(PPI);基因本体(GO);信号途径;分子动力学;DNA能量弛豫


To explore the physiological mechanism of Ginseng Sini Decoction decoction decoction treating sub-health.
Methods: Based on TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) Network Pharmacological Analysis platform (TCMSP), we searched the chemical constituents and target sites of four Chinese herbs (ginseng, aconite, ginger and licorice) in GSSD. The complex target network and protein interaction (PPI) network were constructed, gene ontology (GO) functional enrichment analysis was performed, Kyoto gene and genome (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis was performed, and the molecular mechanism of protein energy transfer and gene vector were analyzed.
Results: The complex target network contained 137 compounds and 60 corresponding targets, the key targets involved prostaglandin G/H synthase 2(PTGS2), estrogen receptor, calmodulin and so on. The PPI network contains 39 proteins, the key proteins include Jun, Ar, NCOA1 protein and so on. GO functional enrichment analysis produced 167 acting entities. KEGG pathway enrichment screened 70 signaling pathways involved in calcium signaling pathways, neuroactive ligand receptor interactions, cancer pathways, spectral analysis combined with DNA energy relaxation mechanisms, etc. The results of this study preliminarily verified the molecular and biophysical mechanism of GSSD in the prevention and treatment of sub-health, and provided reference information and basis for further exploration of its mechanism.

Key words: Ginseng Sini Decoction (GSSD); Network pharmacology; Protein interaction Network (PPI); Gene ontology (GO); Signal pathway; Molecular dynamics; DNA energy relaxation

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