Open Access Article
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (11) ; 24-27 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230345.
Analysis of the anesthesia effect of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia with sufentanil in cesarean section
石有余 *
贵州省人民医院 贵州贵阳
石有余,单位:贵州省人民医院 贵州贵阳;
发布时间: 2023-11-26 总浏览量: 319
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目的 研究剖宫产术麻醉中应用舒芬太尼腰硬结合阻滞麻醉方法的有效价值。方法 2022年1月-2022年10月阶段内受诊的剖宫产术患者被列入医学观察范围,共有78例,以数子表法的形式进行两组划分,有芬太尼腰硬结合阻滞麻醉的常规麻醉组、舒芬太尼腰硬结合阻滞麻醉的实践麻醉组,统计麻醉干预情况和麻醉安全性。结果 实践麻醉组麻醉发挥作用所需时间均值(4.03±1.52)min、运动阻滞好转所需时间均值(150.42±20.36)min、感觉阻滞好转所需时间均值(128.63±16.34)min,均优于常规麻醉组,p<0.05;实践麻醉组患者术后镇静情况和疼痛情况优于常规麻醉组,p<0.05;实践麻醉组患者不良反应产生率是5.1%,低于常规麻醉组17.9%(2例皮肤红肿、2例心跳异常、2例恶心呕吐、1例头晕目弦),p<0.05。结论 剖宫产麻醉中,要首选舒芬太尼腰硬结合阻滞麻醉的方法,更好地提高麻醉效果,降低不良反应产生率,安全可靠,可以推广。
关键词: 芬太尼;舒芬太尼;腰硬结合阻滞麻醉;剖宫产术;应用效果
Objective To study the effective value of using sufentanil combined spinal epidural block anesthesia method in cesarean section anesthesia. Methods From January 2021 to October 2022, 78 patients undergoing cesarean section who were diagnosed were included in the scope of medical observation. They were divided into two groups using the sub table method: the conventional anesthesia group with fentanyl combined spinal-epidural block anesthesia and the practical anesthesia group with sufentanil combined spinal-epidural block anesthesia. The anesthesia intervention and anesthesia safety were statistically analyzed. Results The average time required for anesthesia to function in the practical anesthesia group was (4.03 ± 1.52) minutes, the average time required for improvement of motor block was (150.42 ± 20.36) minutes, and the average time required for improvement of sensory block was (128.63 ± 16.34) minutes, all of which were better than those in the conventional anesthesia group (p<0.05); The postoperative sedation and pain of patients in the practical anesthesia group were better than those in the conventional anesthesia group, p<0.05; The incidence of adverse reactions in the practical anesthesia group was 5.1%, lower than 17.9% in the conventional anesthesia group (2 cases of skin redness and swelling, 2 cases of abnormal heartbeat, 2 cases of nausea and vomiting, and 1 case of dizziness and dizziness), p<0.05. Conclusion In cesarean section anesthesia, the preferred method is sufentanil combined with lumbar epidural block anesthesia, which can better improve the anesthesia effect, reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, be safe and reliable, and can be promoted.
Key words: Fentanyl; Sufentanil; Lumbar epidural block anesthesia; Cesarean section; Application effect
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