



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (8) ; 85-88 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230306.

Application value of diabetes health education in nursing patients in endocrinology department

作者: 何先群 *, 覃敏, 杨翠, 何丹丹

贵阳市第四人民医院 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 何先群,单位:贵阳市第四人民医院 贵州贵阳;

发布时间: 2023-08-21 总浏览量: 360


目的 通过研究了解在内分泌科护理患者中实施糖尿病健康教育的实际应用价值,为临床护理工作提供指导借鉴之用。方法 从我院接受内分泌科护理的患者群体中选取研究对象,共计有156例患者参与本次医学研究,我院将这些患者各自分为Y组以及X组,其中Y组有79例患者,X组有77例患者,Y组患者在接受护理工作当中以常规化护理为主,X组患者则予以糖尿病健康教育,将两组患者实际护理结果进行对比分析,对本次研究进行总结。结果 在统计最终护理结果中得知,两组患者中各自护理满意度分别为78.48%(62/79)、93.51%(72/77),对比两组患者护理满意度结果得知P值大小(P<0.05),统计学意义符合存在标准要求;另外在统计两组患者护理前后血糖控制指标结果中得知组间差距明显,且P值大小(P<0.05),统计学意义存在成立条件。结论 在糖尿病患者的内分泌科护理中,实施糖尿病健康教育可以有效提高患者护理满意度,在改善患者血糖指标中体现出优异的护理应用价值。

关键词: 内分泌科护理;糖尿病健康教育;护理满意度;血糖指标结果


Objective To investigate the practical application value of diabetes health education in endocrinology department and provide guidance for clinical nursing.
Methods A total of 156 patients were selected from the patients receiving endocrinology care in our hospital to participate in this medical study. Our hospital divided these patients into group Y and Group X, including 79 patients in group Y and 77 patients in group X. Patients in group Y were mainly receiving routine nursing while patients in group X were receiving diabetes health education. The actual nursing results of the two groups of patients were compared and analyzed, and the study was summarized.
Results According to the statistical final nursing results, the nursing satisfaction of patients in the two groups was 78.48% (62/79) and 93.51% (72/77), respectively. Compared with the nursing satisfaction results of patients in the two groups, the P-value was found (P < 0.05), and the statistical significance met the existence standard requirements. In addition, the results of blood glucose control indexes before and after care in the two groups showed a significant difference between the two groups, and the size of the P value (P < 0.05) showed that there were conditions for the establishment of statistical significance.
Conclusion   In the endocrinology nursing of diabetic patients, the implementation of diabetes health education can effectively improve the nursing satisfaction of patients, and reflect the excellent nursing application value in improving the blood sugar index of patients.

Key words: Endocrinology nursing; Diabetes health education; Nursing satisfaction; Blood glucose index results

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何先群, 覃敏, 杨翠, 何丹丹, 糖尿病健康教育在内分泌科护理患者中的应用价值[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (8) : 85-88.