



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (8) ; 75-77 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230303.

Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan on 80 cases of underband diseaseof yin deficiency and internal heat type

作者: 曾敏慧 *

自贡市中医医院 妇科 四川自贡

*通讯作者: 曾敏慧,单位:自贡市中医医院 妇科 四川自贡;

发布时间: 2023-08-21 总浏览量: 311


目的 分析六味地黄丸治疗阴虚内热型带下病的效果。方法 选择我院2022年1月-2022年12月阴虚内热型带下病患者共80例,信封法随机分两组,每组40例,对照组的患者给予西医治疗,观察组在该基础上增加六味地黄丸。比较两组治疗前后患者白带常规以及生存质量、总有效率、不良反应。结果 观察组治疗后患者白带常规以及生存质量优于对照组,总有效率高于对照组,P<0.05。两组不良反应无明显差异,P>0.05。结论 西医联合六味地黄丸对于阴虚内热型带下病的治疗效果确切,可更好改善白带常规和生存质量,安全性高,值得推广。

关键词: 六味地黄丸;阴虚内热型带下病;效果


Objective To analyze the effect of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan in treating hypochondria of yin deficiency and internal heat type.
Methods From January 2022 to December 2022, a total of 80 patients with hypochondria of yin deficiency and internal heat type in our hospital were selected. The envelope method was used to randomly divide them into two groups, 40 patients in each group. The patients in the control group were treated with western medicine, and the observation group added Liu Wei Di Huang Wan on this basis. Compare the routine vaginal discharge, quality of life, total effective rate, and adverse reactions between two groups of patients before and after treatment.
Results After treatment, the observation group had better vaginal discharge routine and quality of life than the control group, with a total effective rate higher than the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in adverse reactions between the two groups, P>0.05.
Conclusion   Western medicine combined with Liu Wei Di Huang Wan has a definite therapeutic effect on hypochondriasis of yin deficiency and internal heat type, which can better improve the routine and quality of life of leucorrhea, and has high safety, and is worth promoting.

Key words: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan; Yin deficiency and internal heat type vaginal discharge disease; Effect

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