



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (7) ; 68-71 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230285.

Effect of personalized quality nursing intervention on clinical effect and daily living ability in patients with epilepsy secondary to stroke

作者: 江黎黎 *

南充市中心医院神经内科 四川南充

*通讯作者: 江黎黎,单位:南充市中心医院神经内科 四川南充;

发布时间: 2023-07-16 总浏览量: 255


目的 研析评价对脑卒中继发癫痫患者采取个性化优质护理模式进行干预所发挥的临床效果,以及对患者日常生活能力所产生的影响。方法 将2022年9月-2023年5月期间前来我医院心脑血管科进行诊断治疗的70例脑卒中继发癫痫患者选作此次研究的样例,对患者采取了两种不同的护理干预模式,并根据护理方法将所有患者分成两个研究比较小组,分别是常规组与优质组,样例数都为35例,即n=35。为常规组病人施行的是脑卒中的基础性护理模式,为优质组病人施行的是个性化优质护理模式,对比分析两组病人干预后的临床效果和护理对患者日常生活能力的影响情况,以此来判定应用效果。结果 在临床效果方面,优质组的临床有效性是100%,高于常规组的88.57%,组组之间比较存在统计学意义(P<0.05);在对日常生活能力的影响方面,两组经干预后的生活能力评分较干预之前均有提升,且优质组提升更明显,组组之间比较存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 个性化优质护理模式在脑卒中继发癫痫患者护理中的应用,相较于常规的护理来说,这种人性化的干预模式更有利于促进临床效果的提升,从而更有效帮助患者改善日常生活能力水平。

关键词: 脑卒中;继发癫痫;个性化优质护理;临床效果;日常生活能力


Objective To study and evaluate the clinical effect of the intervention of personalized quality care mode for stroke secondary epilepsy patients, and the impact on the patients' daily living ability.
Methods Seventy patients with epilepsy secondary to stroke who came to our hospital for diagnosis and treatment in cardio-cerebrovascular department from September 2022 to May 2023 were selected as sample cases for this study. Two different nursing intervention modes were adopted for the patients, and according to nursing method all patients were divided into two research comparison groups, respectively is conventional group and high quality group, the sample number is 35 cases, namely n=35. The basic nursing mode of stroke is implemented for the patients of the conventional group, and the personalized quality nursing mode is implemented for the patients of the high quality group. The clinical effect of the two groups of patients after intervention and the impact of nursing on the daily living ability of the patients are compared and analyzed, so as to determine the application effect.
Results In terms of clinical effect, the clinical effectiveness of the quality group was 100%, 88.57% higher than the conventional group, with statistical significance (P <0.05); in terms of the influence of both groups after intervention, the groups were significant (P <0.05).
Conclusion   The application of personalized quality nursing mode in the nursing of patients with epilepsy secondary to stroke, compared with routine nursing, this humanized intervention mode is more conducive to promoting the improvement of clinical effect, so as to more effectively help patients to improve their daily living ability.

Key words: Stroke; Secondary epilepsy; Personalized quality care; Clinical effect; Daily living ability

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