



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (6) ; 71-73 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230262.

Analysis of common nursing risks and clinical nursing management strategies in gastroenterology

作者: 张茜 *, 汤玲玲

远安县人民医院 湖北宜昌

*通讯作者: 张茜,单位:远安县人民医院 湖北宜昌;

发布时间: 2023-06-27 总浏览量: 294


目的 本次实验研究主要对医院消化内科常见护理风险进行有效探讨,并同时对其相关护理管理对策进行分析。方法 在医院消化内科选取70例患者作为本次研究的实验对象。确定完实验对象后,再将实验对象分为两个不同的观察小组,即观察组A与观察组B。医护人员需要利用常规护理法对观察组A患者进行医疗干预。再利用护理风险管理方法对观察组B患者进行相应的临床医疗干预。最后再对两组患者最终护理结果进行合理对比。结果 将护理风险管理干预运用到医院消化内科患者的临床护理治疗中能够有效降低患者护理风险发生率。结论 护理风险管理干预是一项具有实用价值的临床护理管理对策,它除了能有效解决护患纠纷问题外,还能同时提高患者对医护人员护理工作的满意度。

关键词: 消化内科;护理风险;临床护理;管理对策


Objective This experimental study mainly to the hospital gastroenterology department of common nursing risks for effective discussion, and at the same time to its related nursing management countermeasures were analyzed.
Methods 70 patients were selected as experimental subjects in the gastroenterology department of the hospital. After determining the experimental subjects, the subjects were divided into two different observation groups, namely observation group A and observation group B. The medical staff needed to make medical intervention for patients in observation group A with routine nursing. The nursing risk management method was used to conduct the corresponding clinical medical intervention for patients in observation group B. Finally, the final nursing results of the two groups were compared reasonably.
Results Applying nursing risk management intervention to clinical nursing treatment of patients in hospital gastroenterology department can effectively reduce the incidence of nursing risk.
Conclusion   Nursing risk management intervention is a clinical nursing management strategy with practical value. It can not only effectively solve nursing disputes, but also improve patients' satisfaction with nursing work of medical staff.

Key words: Gastroenterology; Nursing risk; Clinical nursing; Management strategy

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张茜, 汤玲玲, 消化内科常见的护理风险及临床护理管理对策分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (6) : 71-73.