



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (5) ; 43-45 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230213.

Application methods and effects of psychological nursing for patients with various diseases in otolaryngology

作者: 卢兰 *

东南大学附属中大医院江北院区 江苏南京

*通讯作者: 卢兰,单位:东南大学附属中大医院江北院区 江苏南京;

发布时间: 2023-05-20 总浏览量: 218


目的 探讨研究心理护理在临床的应用价值,并深入分析将其实施于耳鼻喉科多种疾病护理工作中,验证其有效性。方法 此次研究对象共计80例,是随机选自2021年12月~2022年12月期间于我院耳鼻喉科就诊病例,鉴于研究需要,将其分组进行对比分析,归结于对照组、观察组。先就诊者纳入对照组,后就诊者纳入观察组,并鉴于研究的准确性、科学性,两组患者病例资料均完整,且无异样分别实施不同的护理措施后对两组患者心理状态改善情况、依从性、护理满意度情况进行调查,对各项数据进行分析、比较,并将其予以整合做详细阐述。结果 由研究结果数据方面上可见 ,观察组在心理状态改善情况、依从性、护理满意度情况统计中,各项指标均远优于对照组,组间数据达到P<0.05,存在对比性。结论 将心理护理门诊护理干预用在耳鼻喉科多种疾病患者护理工作中,可有效改善患者主观感受,能够最大程度上提升患者依从性,患者对该护理效果反响较好,建议推广。

关键词: 耳鼻喉科;心理护理;应用与效果


Objective To investigate the clinical application value of psychological nursing, and to analyze its implementation in various diseases of otolaryngology, and verify its effectiveness.
Methods A total of 80 cases were randomly selected from December 2021 to December 2022 in the otolaryngology department of our hospital. In view of research needs, they were divided into groups for comparative analysis and classified into control group and observation group. The first patients were included in the control group, and the later patients were included in the observation group. In view of the accuracy and scientificity of the study, the case data of the two groups of patients were complete and there was no difference. After the implementation of different nursing measures, the improvement of mental state, compliance and nursing satisfaction of the two groups of patients were investigated, and the data were analyzed and compared, and the integration was detailed.
Results From the data of the research results, it can be seen that the observation group was far better than the control group in the improvement of mental state, compliance and nursing satisfaction statistics, and the inter-group data reached P<0.05, which was comparable.
Conclusion   The application of psychological nursing outpatient nursing intervention in the nursing work of patients with various diseases in otolaryngology department can effectively improve patients' subjective feelings and improve patients' compliance to the greatest extent. The patients have a good response to the nursing effect, and it is recommended to promote it.

Key words: Otolaryngology; Psychological care; Application and Effects

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卢兰, 耳鼻喉科多种疾病患者的心理护理应用方法与效果[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (5) : 43-45.