



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (1) ; 131-133 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230040.

Imaging analysis and clinical study of RI in the diagnosis of knee joint myeloedema syndrome

作者: 张宁, 杨姗姗, 黄强为 *

陕西体育医院 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 黄强为,单位:陕西体育医院 陕西西安;

发布时间: 2023-01-31 总浏览量: 333


目的 分析在对膝关节骨髓水肿综合征患者进行诊断的过程中选择MRI进行诊断的影像学表现以及临床研究。方法 纳入2021年3月至2022年3月本院所收治的患者60例为对象,均进行MRI诊断以及常规X线诊断,分析诊断结果。结果 结合MRI诊断可以发现,本组患者中单发骨髓水肿共计46例(46个病灶),多发病灶14例(28个病灶)。在进行T1W1扫描的过程中,所有病灶均表现为低信号,常规T2W1扫描过程中呈现为高信号。在进行脂肪抑制序列以及梯度回波T2W1扫描过程中均呈现为高信号。在MRI扫描的过程中可以明显观察到骨髓水肿存在有顺着骨骼轮廓边缘分布的情况,74个病灶中,42个呈现为斑片状病灶,14个表现为地图状病灶,18个表现为不规则形病灶。病灶部位无明显边界且病灶信号呈现为不均匀分布的情况。在检查过程中无患者存在有骨皮质断裂的情况,且骨轮廓未发生异常改变。结论 在对膝关节骨髓水肿综合征患者进行诊断的过程中选择MRI进行诊断,可以较为清晰的对患者损伤部位特点进行显示,可以促使患者尽快得到确诊。

关键词: MRI;膝关节骨髓水肿综合征;影像学表现


Objective: To analyze the imaging features and clinical study of MRI in the diagnosis of knee joint myeloedema syndrome.
Methods 60 patients admitted to our hospital from March 2021 to March 2022 were enrolled. All patients underwent MRI diagnosis and routine X-ray diagnosis, and the diagnosis results were analyzed.
Results Combined with MRI diagnosis, 46 patients (46 lesions) with single bone marrow edema and 14 patients (28 lesions) with multiple lesions were found in this group. In the process of T1W1 scanning, all lesions showed low signal, while in the process of conventional T2W1 scanning, they showed high signal. Both fat suppression sequence and gradient echo T2W1 scanning showed high signal. In the process of MRI scanning, it can be clearly observed that the bone marrow edema is distributed along the edge of the bone contour. Of the 74 lesions, 42 showed patchy lesions, 14 showed map like lesions, and 18 showed irregular lesions. The lesions had no obvious boundary and the signals of the lesions were unevenly distributed. During the examination, no patient had fracture of bone cortex, and the bone contour did not change abnormally.
Conclusion   MRI can clearly show the characteristics of the injured site of the patients in the process of diagnosis of knee joint myeloedema syndrome, which can promote the patients to be diagnosed as soon as possible.

Key words: Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Treatment; Endometriosis

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张宁, 杨姗姗, 黄强为, MRI用于膝关节骨髓水肿综合征诊断中的影像学表现分析及临床研究[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (1) : 131-133.