



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (10) ; 175-177 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220503.

The effect of self-induced decoction combined with erythromycin isotretinoin gel in the treatment of mild and moderate acne vulgaris

作者: 冯丽娟 *

康县第一人民医院 甘肃陇南

*通讯作者: 冯丽娟,单位:康县第一人民医院 甘肃陇南;

发布时间: 2022-12-31 总浏览量: 297


目的 本文探究自拟消导汤+异维A酸红霉素凝胶治疗轻、中度寻常痤疮的临床效果。方法 此次研究时间为2021年1月-2022年1月期间,研究对象选自在我院门诊进行治疗的182例轻、中度寻常痤疮患者,对比两组患者治疗效果、用药不良反应发生率、皮损处炎症因子水平以及不良心理情况。结果 研究组治疗效果为94.51%、用药不良反应发生率5.49%、皮损处炎症因子水平以及不良心理情况均优于参照组,P<0.05说明存在对比意义。结论 对轻、中度寻常痤疮患者采用自拟消导汤+异维A酸红霉素凝胶治疗,不仅内外标本兼治,且不良反应较少,说明该治疗方案安全有效,对患者的疾病康复具备明显的促进作用。

关键词: 寻常痤疮;轻、中度;异维A酸红霉素凝胶;自拟消导汤;应用效果


Objective: To explore the clinical effect of self-made Xiaodao Decoction+Erythromycin isotretinoin gel in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris.
Methods: This study was conducted from January 2021 to January 2022. The subjects were 182 patients with mild and moderate acne vulgaris who were treated in our outpatient department. The treatment effect, adverse drug reaction rate, inflammatory factor level of skin lesions and unconscionable condition of the two groups of patients were compared.
Results: The treatment effect of the study group was 94.51%, the incidence of adverse drug reactions was 5.49%, the level of inflammatory factors in the skin lesions and the adverse psychological conditions were better than those of the reference group, P<0.05 indicating that there was a comparative significance.
Conclusion  : The treatment of mild and moderate acne vulgaris with self-made Xiaodao Decoction+Erythromycin Isoretinoate Gel can not only cure both internal and external symptoms, but also has fewer adverse reactions, indicating that the treatment scheme is safe and effective, and has a significant role in promoting the rehabilitation of patients.

Key words: Acne vulgaris; Light and moderate; Erythromycin isotretinoin gel; Self prepared Xiaodao Decoction; Application effect

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冯丽娟, 自拟消导汤联合异维A酸红霉素凝胶治疗轻、中度寻常痤疮的效果探究[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (10) : 175-177.