



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (10) ; 107-109 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220485.

Summary and Analysis of Xiang Rong's Academic Thought and Clinical Experience in Treating Spleen and Stomach Diseases

作者: 朱晓霞 *, 汤代美, 向荣

六盘水市人民医院 贵州六盘水

*通讯作者: 朱晓霞,单位:六盘水市人民医院 贵州六盘水;

发布时间: 2022-12-31 总浏览量: 327


目的 通过收集传承指导老师向荣主任中医师跟师坐诊所看患者中辩证属于脾胃病变临床资料,对其进行统计分析与总结,发掘和传承向荣主任中医师治疗脾胃病学术思想和临床经验。方法 运用临床观察的方法收集向荣主任中医师跟师坐诊患者辩证属于脾胃病变患者的基本资料、中医证型、方药等。结果 ①向荣主任中医师跟师坐诊患者中,脾胃病发病年龄范围大,以中、青年人多见。男女性发病差异不大。②脾胃病辩证主证由高到低前四位依次为:脾虚湿热、脾虚湿阻、脾虚夹湿、脾肾气虚。③药频次分析,党参、白术、当归、黄芪、山药、茯苓、柴胡、枳壳、厚朴、陈皮、香附、藿香等药物排位靠前。结论 向荣主任中医师治疗脾胃疾病强调从健脾和胃、调和肝脾、健脾除湿、调畅脾胃“气机”着手,方药以当归补血汤、四君子汤为基础加减化裁,平时治疗其他系统疾病过程中亦注重顾护脾胃。

关键词: 中医药;向荣;脾胃病;治疗;学术思想;效果


Objective: To explore and inherit the academic thought and clinical experience of Director Xiang Rong's traditional Chinese medicine doctor in treating spleen and stomach diseases by collecting the clinical data of patients with spleen and stomach diseases who were treated by the teacher Xiang Rong.
Methods: Using the method of clinical observation, we collected the basic data, TCM syndrome types and prescriptions of the patients with spleen and stomach diseases who were treated by director Xiang Rong's TCM doctor.
Results: ① Among the patients with spleen and stomach disease, the age range of onset was large, and most of them were middle-aged and young people. There is no significant difference between male and female patients. ② The first four main syndromes of spleen stomach disease from high to low are: spleen deficiency and damp heat, spleen deficiency and damp resistance, spleen deficiency and dampness, spleen and kidney qi deficiency. ③ According to the analysis of drug frequency, Dangshen, Atractylodes macrocephala, Angelica sinensis, Astragalus membranaceus, Chinese yam, Poria cocos, Bupleurum chinense, Fructus aurantii, Magnolia officinalis, dried tangerine peel, Rhizoma Cyperi, Herba agastache and other drugs ranked top.
Conclusion  : Director Xiang Rong emphasized on strengthening the spleen and stomach, harmonizing the liver and spleen, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, and regulating the "qi mechanism" of the spleen and stomach in the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases. The prescription was modified on the basis of Danggui Buxue Decoction and Sijunzi Decoction. At ordinary times, attention was paid to the spleen and stomach in the treatment of other systemic diseases.

Key words: Chinese medicine; Xiangrong; Spleen stomach disease; treatment; Academic thought; effect

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