



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (9) ; 182-184 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220393.

4 Minutes of emergency cesarean section generates a speed of death per hour

作者: 魏茂芳 *

莒南县人民医院产科 山东临沂

*通讯作者: 魏茂芳,单位:莒南县人民医院产科 山东临沂;

发布时间: 2022-11-30 总浏览量: 440



关键词: 脐带脱垂;急症剖宫产;急救;救治流程;急救护理


Umbilical cord prolapse refers to a complication of the umbilical cord from being exposed first, which belongs to a low incidence in the obstetrics, but extremely dangerous, with a probability of 0.4%-10%. Once, the pressure of the umbilical cord can cause blood transportation and cause the fetus ischemia and hypoxia. If the fetus cannot be delivered in time in a short time, the fetus may cause severe suffocation within 5-8 minutes. The emergency cesarean section is an important means to rescue the safety of the fetus and reduce the post -maternity complications. Although its rescue success is high, the newborn after the rescue is caused by hypoxia in the palace. The mortality rate is equally high. Therefore, it can be found in time and complete the rescue in the shortest time to ensure the safety of mothers and newborns.

Key words: Umbilical cord prolapse; emergency cesarean section; first aid; treatment process; emergency care

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