



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (8) ; 32-35 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220353.

Effect of optimizing individual nursing on coagulation index of patients with severe pneumonia in icu

作者: 贾化侠 *

苏州市立医院 江苏苏州

*通讯作者: 贾化侠,单位:苏州市立医院 江苏苏州;

发布时间: 2022-09-14 总浏览量: 312


目的 探讨优化个体护理对监护病房重症肺炎患者凝血指标的效果。方法 将我院2019年12月~2021年12月40例监护病房重症肺炎患者,双盲随机法分二组。对照组给予常规护理,实验组实施优化个体护理。比较两组护理前后凝血指标、监护病房重症住院时间、总住院时间、不良事件发生率。结果 护理前两组凝血指标比较,P>0.05,护理后两组均显著降低,而其中实验组显著低于对照组,P<0.05。实验组监护病房重症住院时间7.24±1.41d、总住院时间12.34±1.78d均短于对照组10.45±1.45d和15.64±3.56d,P<0.05。实验组不良事件发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组无发生不良事件,而对照组不良事件发生6例(其中,肺水肿2例,心功能不全2例,肾功能不全1例,感染性休克1例),占30.0%。结论 监护病房重症肺炎患者实施优化个体护理效果确切。

关键词: 优化个体护理;监护病房重症肺炎患者;凝血指标;效果


Objective: To explore the effect of optimizing individual nursing on coagulation indexes of patients with severe pneumonia in icu.
Methods: A total of 40 patients with severe pneumonia in the icu of our hospital from December 2019 to December 2021 were divided into two groups by double-blind random method. The control group was given routine nursing, and the experimental group was given optimized individual nursing. Coagulation indexes, length of stay in intensive care unit, total length of stay and incidence of adverse events were compared between the two groups before and after nursing.
Results: The coagulation index of the two groups before nursing, P > 0.05, after nursing, the two groups were significantly reduced, and the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group, P < 0.05. The duration of icu hospitalization in the experimental group (7.24±1.41d) and total length of stay (12.34±1.78d) were shorter than those in the control group (10.45±1.45d and 15.64±3.56d), P < 0.05. The incidence of adverse events in experimental group was lower than that in control group (P < 0.05). There were no adverse events in the experimental group, while there were 6 adverse events in the control group (including 2 cases of pulmonary edema, 2 cases of cardiac insufficiency, 1 case of renal insufficiency and 1 case of septic shock), accounting for 30.0%.
Conclusion  : Optimizing individual nursing of patients with severe pneumonia in icu is effective.

Key words: Optimizing individual nursing; Icu patients with severe pneumonia; Coagulation index; The effect

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贾化侠, 优化个体护理对监护病房重症肺炎患者凝血指标的效果[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (8) : 32-35.