



Open Access Article

International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (8) ; 157-159 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220350.

Knowledge, belief and practice of opioid use in cancer pain patients in a tertiary hospital in Wuhu City

作者: 郑文丽 *, 车恒英, 陈丽娟

皖南医学院第一附属医院弋矶山医院 安徽芜湖

*通讯作者: 郑文丽,单位:皖南医学院第一附属医院弋矶山医院 安徽芜湖;

发布时间: 2022-09-14 总浏览量: 308


目的 针对我院住院的癌痛患者的治疗状况进行调查分析,芜湖市某三甲医院癌痛患者阿片类药物使用的知信行状况,探讨合理用药方法。方法 实验时间段设置在2021年1月到2022年6月,在该时段内检索芜湖市某三甲医院癌痛住院150例患者的电子病历,针对阿片类药物的用药频度、药物利用指数进行记录,同时针对所有患者进行知信行调查,分析患者对于阿片类药物使用规范性、合理性的了解度。结果 在研究结果中显示,用药频度最高的药物为曲马多缓释片,其次为芬太尼透皮贴片和羟考酮控释片。而药物利用指数最高的阿片类药物为芬太尼透皮贴片。在针对150例患者进行知信行相关内容的调查时发现患者对于药物的使用规范性和合理性,整体来说了解度较差,大部分患者并不了解这类药物在应用时存在明显的不规范情况,合格率仅为65(43.33%)。结论 在针对癌痛患者进行临床镇痛处理时,研究人员需要关注患者的个体状况,并给予患者有效的用药指导和合理用药,尽可能保障患者在接受治疗期间的用药规范性,降低患者在用药期间出现的不良反应,使患者的治疗总有效率和镇痛效果得到提升。

关键词: 癌痛患者;阿片类药物;用药管理;研究分析


Objective: To investigate and analyze the treatment status of cancer pain patients hospitalized in our hospital, the knowledge, belief and practice status of opioid use in cancer pain patients in a tertiary a hospital in Wuhu, and to explore rational drug use methods.
Methods: the experimental period was set from September 2017 to April 2022. During this period, the electronic medical records of 150 patients with cancer pain hospitalized in a tertiary a hospital in Wuhu were retrieved, and the frequency of opioid use and drug utilization index were recorded. At the same time, a knowledge and practice survey was conducted for all patients to analyze the patients' understanding of the standardization and rationality of opioid use.
Results: the results showed that tramadol sustained-release tablets were the most frequently used drugs, followed by fentanyl transdermal patches and oxycodone controlled-release tablets. The opioid with the highest drug utilization index is fentanyl transdermal patch. In the investigation of knowledge, belief and practice related content for 150 patients, it was found that patients' understanding of the standardization and rationality of drug use was poor on the whole. Most patients did not understand that there were obvious irregularities in the application of this kind of drugs, and the qualified rate was only 489 (40.75%).
Conclusion  : when carrying out clinical analgesic treatment for cancer pain patients, researchers need to pay attention to the individual situation of patients, give effective medication guidance and rational medication to patients, try to ensure the standardization of medication during treatment, reduce the adverse reactions of patients during medication, and improve the total treatment efficiency and analgesic effect of patients.

Key words: Cancer Pain Patients; Opioids; Medication Management; Research Analysis

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郑文丽, 车恒英, 陈丽娟, 芜湖市某三甲医院癌痛患者阿片类药物使用知信行的情况与分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (8) : 157-159.